Environmental Quality Incentives Program

Provides landowners with cost-share and financial incentives to implement conservation practices on private working lands.
The Environmental Qualify Incentives Program (EQIP) is one of the foundational conservation programs administered by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Consisting of technical and financial assistance opportunities, NRCS works one-on-one with landowners to address natural resource conservation needs through detailed plans and a suite of practices supported by EQIP on our nation’s private, working lands.
Conservation practices implemented through EQIP are often designed to address very specific resource needs, including improving soil health and water quality, mitigation against environmental stressors, and, most importantly for sportsmen and women, creating and improving wildlife habitat. As it relates to wildlife habitat efforts, EQIP is one of the most common avenues through which NRCS accomplishes the goals of Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW). Through WLFW, participating landowners receive resources, both financial and technical assistance, and regulatory assurances designed to protect their working operations in exchange for supporting habitat for identified species that are at risk of future listing through the Endangered Species Act.